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Basic Computer Information

Internet providers
An internet provider is a company who you contract with and pay monthly for them to provide you with access to the internet. There are a variety of internet providers depending on the area in which you live. Different internet providers offer different packages and speeds of internet. Each provider can give you an idea of which speed will be required for the tasks you plan on performing on the internet. 

Modems & Routers
A modem is a tool that provides access to the internet. This modem is usually supplied or rented from you internet provider. That modem is then connected to a router which is what allows computers to access the internet. Any computer that accesses the router will then have access to the internet network. 

Web Browsers
A web browser is used to navigate the internet. There are a variety web browsers that can be used to find information on the internet. A few of them include Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera. 

"The Cloud"
The cloud is multiple servers used to store data. This means that when something is backed up on your phone or tablet it is sent to "the cloud", or it is backed up on a network of servers so you are able to access it later. The cloud can also be used to provide an online service to customers. This happens when an application is downloaded and used to create/store a file. 
